CS110 Electric Field Meter
CS110 Electric Field Meter

Benefits and Features

  • Low power consumption
  • Senses potential for lightning, providing a warning before lightning strikes
  • Easy maintenance—stator easily removed for cleaning
  • Extensive diagnostic self-checking for each measurement reduces or eliminates scheduled maintenance
  • Rugged construction
  • SG000 Strike Guard can be used in conjunction with our CS110 to create a complete lightning-threat measurement and analysis system

The CS110 is used for lightning warning applications and in research applications for measuring the local electric field. It measures the vertical component of the atmospheric electric field at the earth's surface. The CS110 sensor is typically part of a larger electric-field system. It includes an integrated CR1000 datalogger, and so can be expanded with the addition of other sensors and peripherals.

  • CS110 Electric Field Meter measurement made with reciprocating shutter instead of the traditional rotating vane field mill
  • Power requirements are low; 9.6 to 16 Vdc; peak-current demand is 750 mA during motor operation
  • Reliability: Ultra-reliable metallic ground connection of stator/rotor (no rotating contact)
  • CR1000 datalogger within the system provides flexibility for additional meteorological measurements, control, and network integration
  • Connectors are provided on the CS110 for attaching wind speed and direction, temperature and relative humidity, solar radiation, and rainfall sensors
-NOTE- An embedded CR1000M datalogger module (ordered as pn 18292) is required for every CS110 purchased; see Common Accessories section on Ordering Information page.
CE Compliance Standards to which Conformity Is Declared BS EN61326:2002
Lightning Protection Multi-stage transient protection on all external interfaces
Power Requirements 11 to 16 Vdc
Baud Rates Selectable from 300 to 115.2k bps
ASCII Protocol One start bit, one stop bit, eight data bits, no parity
Operating Temperature Range
  • -25° to +50°C (standard)
  • -40° to +85°C (extended)
Operating Relative Humidity 0 to 100% RH
Mounting Vertical pipe with outer diameter of 1.91 to 6.35 cm (0.75 to 2.5 in.)
Communication Ports
  • 1 RS-232 port
  • 1 CS I/O port used to interface with Campbell Scientific peripherals, such as a COM320 Voice Modem
  • Digital Control Ports 1, 2, and 3 for alarm, asynchronous communications, or SDI-12 communications
Dimensions 15.2 x 15.2 x 43.2 cm (6 x 6 x 17 in.)
Weight 4 kg (9 lb)

Current Drain

Peak Current Demand 750 mA (occurs during motor operation)
  • 7 mA (at 1 sample per 10 s)
  • 60 mA (at 1 sample per 1 s)
  • 120 mA (at 2 samples per 1 s)
  • 300 mA (at 5 samples per 1 s)


-NOTE- Refer to the sensor manual for resolution, sensitivity, and noise specifications.
Parallel-Plate Configuration ±1% of reading + 60 V m-1 offset
2 m CM110 Tripod Configuration ±5% of reading + 8 V m-1 offset


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