- Exotek MC-380XCA direct read out of Moisture Content in percent water or in Relative Air Humidity (RH%)
- Dual scanning Depths (10 mm and 100 mm)
- Non Invasive measurement
- Extended Material Selection groups.
- Selectable Alarm Threshold
- Audio Alarm
- Hold Function
- Density selection of wood Groups
The new MC-380XCA is a microprocessor-controlled hand-held instrument. Its reliable, easy to use and provides a faster and non-destructive evaluation of the moisture content of wood and building materials.
The MC-380XCA can be used in production or on construction sites for the control and inspection for the detection of water damage.
Due to the switchable penetration depth between the measuring springs and the independent bottom sensor, it is possible to distinguish between surface moisture and e.g. wall moisture.
In many cases the relative humidity (RH) is more meaningful. For this reason, the MC-380XCA includes a software extension for the calculation and display of the RH-value of the moisture content of building materials.
- Gypsum fibre boards, Ytong
- Bricks, Tiles, Clinker
- Eternit slab, Plaster
- Sandstone, Limestone
- Concrete, concrete slab
- 230 different species of wood
- Fast and accurate measurements
- Easy handling and operation
- Switchable penetration depth
- Prevention of mold formation in the house and garden. Localization of the cause of water damage by switchable penetration depth, thereby also risk analysis possible, e.g. whether a hard casing is formed during the drying of the wood.
- Changeable alarm levels (can be stored) for different groups
- Backlight of the display and thus
- clear readout both at day and night