Clad in a durable and beautifully finished hardwood case, the RC-1E’s classic design and wide moisture measurement range make it a valuable addition to your toolkit. The RC-1E has been a favorite among dry kiln operators for years!
- Easy-to-read analog display.
- Measures moisture in Douglas Fir using a three-range scale (6%-80%, 6%-11%, 11%-25% , and 25%-80%).
- Also available with Southern Pine correction as RC-1E/SP.
- Built-in calibration check.
- Built-in battery check.
- Auto shut-off timer.
- Size: 6 1/2" X 8" X 3".
- Weight: 3 lbs. 8 oz.
- Rugged construction ensures years of reliable use.
- 9V battery.
- 1 year against manufacturer defect