Spectrum WatchDog 2900ET Weather Station
- Measures, calculates and logs Evapotranspiration (ETo), Wind Speed and Direction, Rainfall, Dew Point, Solar Radiation, Air Temperature, Relative Humidity and Up to 5 external sensors
- Accurate, real-time weather information
- Spectrum WatchDog 2900ET Weather Station monitor, record and analyze over a dozen important growing conditions
- Log your data in fail-safe, non-volatile memory
- Choose measurement intervals from 1 to 60 minutes (holds 183 days of data with a 30 minute interval)
- Multiple PCs can access the station without impacting a master data collection plan.
- Use the LCD Display to check current and daily high/low readings without a PC
- 12-month battery power with four AA lithium batteries. Four AA alkaline batteries included for 10-month life.
- Communicate via wireless, cellular, shuttle, or direct connect
- Requires SpecWare Pro software