02.01 Tripods
02.01 Tripods

A tripod is an essential part of a bailer boring set (cable tool drilling equipment). Also, drillings at greater depths or the application of heavier augering or soil core sample equipment require the use of a tripod.

Benefits Tripods

  • Light-weight aluminium tripods
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to transport


The three-piece aluminium tripods meet the specific requirements which apply to light, easily operable tripods. These parts can be coupled very quickly, and are of limited length, making it very easy for the user to set them up very quickly. The high-quality aluminium is very lightweight and requires nearly no maintenance.

Because of the limited weight and length of the various parts, the tripods are easy to transport (even in a normal station wagon).



  • Eijkelkamp 02.01 Tripods is an essential part of a bailer boring set (cable tool drilling equipment). Also drillings at greater depths, or the application of heavier augering or soil core sample equipment require the use of a tripod.
  • In selecting a tripod, working height, weight, and maximum load capacity (= tensile force) are usually determinant factors. However, the range of application is of such a magnitude, that the selection of the tripod depends strongly on the kind of work that may have to be performed with the selected tripod besides the performance of soil drillings.



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