09.11 Ksat Constant Head Permeameter
- Eijkelkamp 09.11 Ksat Constant Head Permeameter an instrument that provides the means to collect data for determining in situ saturated hydraulic conductivity of the vadose (unsaturated) zone easily and conveniently.
- The measuring procedure is known as constant head well permeameter technique, shallow well pump-in method or borehole infiltration test.
- Before the equipment is used a hole is augered (the bottom of the hole must be plane (use the Riverside auger).
- The main unit is used for measuring hydraulic conductivity to a depth of 2 m.
- The depth of measurement can be easily increased to 4 m by attaching a set of constant head tubes to the main unit.
- To measure below 4 m depths, a special flow measuring reservoir and a pressure transducer (available as optionals) are required.
- The standard set (for a depth of 2 m) contains: the compact constant head permeameter and augers for installation.