Aardvark Permeameter
- Soil Moisture Aardvark Permeameter very first automated Constant Head Borehole Permeameter.
- Sets up in minutes and automatically records reading for water consumption rate.
- In minutes it will automatically determine Steady State, calculate Steady-State Water Consumption Rate and then give the user the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (K value).
Kit includes:
- Aardvark Permeameter.
- Regulator Module.
- Digital Scale for use with PC (laptop/tablet not included).
- Suspension line.
- 50 ft. tubing.
- Water jug.
- Setup table.
- Carrying case.
- Software included.
- ASTM: D5126.
- Aardvark Permeameter kit in a case.
- Automated Measurements down to 50 FT.
- Compatible with ASTM D5126 - 90(2004).
- Soil Permeability
- Environmental Monitoring
- Mining
- Soil Physics
- Compatible with ASTM D5126 - 90(2004).
- The measurement method is called “Borehole Constant-head Method”, or “Constant-head Methods” for short.
- Package sizes & Weights: 31X25X11 inches; 21 lbs. + 19X15X7 lbs.; 11 lbs.