The TEROS Borehole Installation Tool was specifically engineered for faster and more accurate water content sensor installation. Since only a small (4-inch diameter) hand-augered hole is needed instead of a large trench, you can perform a deeper down-hole installation (up to 1.8 meters) with little site disturbance and far less effort. In addition, the new TEROS Borehole Installation Tool turns a few TEROS 12 soil moisture sensors into the ultimate profile probe. Use it for incredisbly fast, consistent installation into undisturbed soil, at depths you choose.
Less wiggle room for error
Eliminating air gaps and preferential flow. Sensors are applied straight in and perpendicular with uniform pressure (even through har clay soils) and then gently released, resulting in clean and consistent installations.
Smaller holes = less headaches
It's also equipped with a flashlight so you can not only see down holes, but also make ensuring good insertions.