MS-21 Pyrgeometer
MS-21 Pyrgeometer

WISG traceable calibration

Research-grade, accurate, and robust, the MS-21 measures longwave downwelling radiation and longwave net radiation in a wide spectral band and delivers superior stability independent of the sensors’ operating temperature.

Designed to raise the bar, the MS-21 Pyrgeometer is research-grade, accurate, robust and delivers superior stability independent of the sensors’ operating temperature. Based on a new design concept and built for consistency, the MS-21 minimises temperature differences and suppresses window heating errors.

Whatever the conditions, the MS-21 measures longwave downwelling radiation and longwave net radiation in a wide spectral band without needing a sun tracker with a shading device or shadow ring. It features a silicon meniscus dome with solar blind interference filter and hard carbon coating, a new thermal coupling design, onboard temperature compensating electronics, and a unique aluminium alloy sun shield.

With a 5-year Warranty, World Infrared Standard Group (WISG) traceable calibration, and PT-100/4W IEC60751 Class A Industrial platinum resistance thermometers and temperature sensors; the MS-21 achieves the highest standards for quality, accuracy, and reliability.

  • New thermal coupling design, outstanding low thermal resistant
  • WISG traceable calibration
  • 4.5μm - 42μm flat spectral response
  • Low temperature dependency, excellent stability
  • Design & built for extra-low window heating
  • 5-year warranty & EKO quality guarantee


Wavelength range 4.5 to 42μm
Sensitivity 10 to 20uV/W/m²
Response time < 18 Sec (@95%)
Window heating offset < 4 W/m²
Zero offset B < 1 W/m²
Temperature response < 1 % (-20 to 50°)
Non linearity < 1 %
Operating temperature range -40 to 80°
Net radiation measurement range -250 to 250 W/m²
Field of view 180 degrees
Detector temperature sensor Pt-100, 4 wires
Impedance (approx.) 100 to 200Ω



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