- The SEBA-Hydrocenter provides an internet-platform for the provision of measuring data and can be customized
to the individual needs of the user. The Hydrocenter either runs on the SEBA internet server (SEBA-Hydrocenter) or
on the internet server of the customer (Customer-Hydrocenter)
- The advantages of both versions are obvious:
1. Whether you are in your office, at home or on the road: the Hydrocenter is everywhere accessible! Any time and
any place by GSM, GPRS or landline connection.
2. Measuring data are provided comfortably in the form of hydrographs and lists
3. Other authorized personnel (eg. Environmental Authorities, engineering companies, consortium members etc.)
have direct access to the measuring data and can download them.
4. Simply log-on and start! You will be able to navigate easily, guided by our self-explanatory user interface.