MODFLOW-SURFACTâ„¢ is one of the most comprehensive flow and transport models available. Built around the MODFLOW code, MODFLOW-SURFACT includes advanced computational modules that are based on robust, efficient, mass-conserving algorithms making it faster and more accurate than its transport modeling counterparts.
- Handles complete desaturation and resaturation of grid cells
- Accurate delineation and tracking of water table position, taking into account flow in the unsaturated zone, delayed yield, and vertical flow components
- Automatic and correct redistribution of the total flow rate of a well screened through multiple model layers when the upper cell(s) are pumped dry
- Accommodation of wellbore storage and overpumped wells
- Prevents water table buildup beyond a specified recharge-ponding elevation
- Handling of seepage face boundary conditions
- Adaptive time-stepping schemes automatically adjusts time-step size to the non-linearities of the system to optimize the solution stability
- Robust and efficient Pre-conditioned Conjugate Gradient matrix solver
- Capability of modeling unsaturated water or air movement
- Enhanced Newton-Raphson linearization option increases robustness for unconfined and/or unsaturated flow conditions
- The powerful PCG5 solver add-on is up to 20 times faster than the PCG4 solver thanks to its advanced computational techniques
- The Recharge Package (RSF4) has been modified to include zonal input of recharge with zonal recharge values provided via a separate recharge time-series (RTS) file that is independent of the stress-period setup for varying boundary conditions
- The Evapotranspiration (ET) packages EVT and ETS1 (referred to as ET2 in MODFLOW-SURFACT) have been modified to include zonal input of ETmax values provided via a separate ET time-series (ETS) file that is independent of the stress-period setup for varying boundary conditions