partech LA
TurbiTechw2 LA

The TurbiTechw² LA Sensor has been designed for use in aeration systems monitoring suspended solids also known as mixed liquor suspended solids or activated sludge where solids are typically in the range of 1,500 to 3,500 mg/l. The sensor can also measure Returned Activated Sludge (RAS), Surplus Activated Sludge (SAS) and suspended solids or turbidity.

The large optical surface and sample volume combine to ensure that the sensor is providing information that is reliable and representative of the solids present in the process. Deposits of fats and grease on the sensing area do not prevent the sensor from measuring unlike sensors with small optical surfaces. In addition, the sensor incorporates a self cleaning mechanism that ensures the optical surfaces are kept clean at all times, the cleaning system is designed to avoid problems with ragging and does not smear the optical system.



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