The WaterTechw² pH8000 Sensor has been designed to provide highly reliable pH and temperature measurements. The sensor uses a flat surfaced electrode which includes an extended reference path, these features combine to provide an extremely robust pH measurement, suitable for use in surface water, waste water and drinking water applications.
The electrode uses field proven flat surface, self-cleaning technology. The reference system is enhanced by the Extended Path Reference (ERP) design which provides a complex path to protect the reference in the presence of interacting ions such as proteins, silver and sulphides.
The WaterTechw² pH8000 sensor has been designed to provide highly reliable operation across the range of drinking water and wastewater applications. The flat faced electrode included the latest innovations in double junction reference with the ERP reference path.
For installation in applications where gross fouling is anticipated we recommend that the sensor is installed using our specially designed mounting system, with a flexible joint in the mounting shaft.
The flexible joint moves the sensor in the process, reducing bio-fouling and allowing rags to fall away from the assembly. This motion is similar to that achieved by using a floating ball assembly, with the added advantage of placing the sensor below the surface of the liquid. In applications where fouling is not expected or where there is insufficient space alternative mounting arrangements are available.