The WaterTechw² Redox8000 Sensor has been designed to provide highly reliable Redox and Temperature measurements. The sensor uses a flat surfaced electrode which includes an extended reference path, these features combine to provide an extremely robust Redox measurement, suitable for use in surface water, waste water and drinking water applications.
The electrode uses field proven flat surface, self-cleaning technology. The reference system is enhanced by the Extended Path Reference (ERP) design which provides a complex path to protect the reference in the presence of interacting ions such as proteins, silver and sulphides.
Measurement of Redox or ORP is useful in many water, wastewater and industrial water processes, for example the control of disinfection processes such as chlorination in cooling towers. The electrode design is very similar to the equivalent pH electrode (WaterTechw² pH8000), the difference being that the pH glass is replaced with a Platinum band. The measurement of the oxidation-reduction potential (Redox or ORP) of an aqueous solution is a broad, non-specific indicator of the chemical activity of the solution. In drinking water processes Redox measurement is a highly effective tool for controlling chlorine and ozone treatment, it provides an excellent indicator of the ability of the disinfectant to remove contaminants from the water.
In wastewater processes Redox measurement has the ability to provide an indication of the condition of the anoxic and anaerobic zones within an activated sludge (ASP) plant’s aeration tanks, this is beyond what is possible with the far more commonly used Dissolved Oxygen measurements. The measurement can also be used as an indicator of the load entering a processing plant, giving an early warning of potential control problems.