What is the best moisture meter practices with your pinless meter?

  • Ensure your meter is calibrated.
  • Account for the wood species being measured.
  • Set the correct depth setting if the meter has adjustable depth capabilities.
  • Take multiple readings across the surface to get a complete assessment of the wood’s moisture content.
  • Have at least a one-inch air gap underneath the wood being measured.
  • Only take measurements where the entire sensor plate can lay flat on the wood surface.
  • Press down on the moisture meter with the right amount of pressure.

How to determine the wood specific gravity, if it is not listed in the manual?

  • Select a sample of wood that is approximately 12% moisture content, with all edges being true.
  • Carefully measure the Length, Width and Thickness dimensions of the sample, preferably using a caliper. Convert the Length, Width and Thickness measurements to feet (ft.).
  • Carefully measure the weight of the sample, to the tenth of an ounce. Convert the weight to pounds (lbs.).
  • Using the volume and the weight of the sample, and the weight of a cubic foot of water, calculate the specific gravity.

How does temperature affect the accuracy of the meter readings?

After moisture content and a moisture gradient, if one exists, wood temperature is the most important factor affecting the accuracy of your readings. As wood temperature increases its electrical resistance decreases and indicated moisture content rises. The lower the temperature, the lower the indicated moisture content. Depending on the temperature and moisture content, you may have to make a correction.

Are there board width limitations in using moisture meters?

Board width is not a limiting factor when using a pin type moisture meter. As long as the pins make good contact, the meter can be used on anything from small dowels to wide planks.

For accurate results with a pinless meter, the material you’re testing must be at least the width of the scanning area on the bottom of the meter. Otherwise, the meter will not make firm contact with the board and may provide inconsistent, unreliable readings.

How does a moisture meter work?

There are two types of moisture meters typically used in the flooring industry. Pin-type meters, which utilize the principle of electrical resistance, use wood or other hygroscopic materials as an element in a circuit by driving two pins or electrodes into it.

Pinless meters use radio frequency signals to penetrate the material being tested. There is
no pin intrusion into the surface of the material you are checking.


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