The DataHog2 has a large storage memory and extended battery life to allow long term projects to be monitored at remote sites, or short term logging at frequent intervals.
Weatherproof housing and connectors as standard
Easy-to-use. Complete independent units. Self-contained batteries
last up to 6 months
Data offload & logger setup via RS232 port (cable and software supplied as standard for PC).
Optional fast offload and data graphing software (SkyeLynx Deluxe)
is available -
Remote access options include: cable up to 1 km; dial-up or leased
phone line; or GPRS remote data link -
Versatile inputs for voltage, current, digital count, thermistors,
thermocouples, etc. -
Can be used with all Skye’s range of sensors, plus those from most
other manufacturers -
Relay contact outputs available switching at user-set threshold for
control and alarm applications -
Dedicated ‘packages’ available with all sensors and cables, eg. for
measuring rainfall, water depth logging, wind speed and direction
records, etc.