The wire crackmeter, also known as a wire extensometer, is designed to monitor the changes in the distance between two anchor points located up to 30 m apart.
The wire crackmeter consists of a transducer, an opposing anchor, and a wire that runs between the transducer and the opposing anchor. The transducer is housed in a stainless steel enclosure and supplied with a mounting plate.
The opposing anchor is an eyebolt expansion bolt. The wire is stainless steel and supplied with clip
Sisgeo Wire Crackmeters to monitor the changes in the distance between two anchor points located up to 30 m apart.
- Typical applications include measurements of large displacement associated with landslides, monitoring of rock-masses, mansonry cracks and surveying of earth faults.
- The wire crackmeter consists of a stainless steel transducer box which includes the rotary electronic sensor with a wire tensioning device having 2 meter stroke.
- Transducer box is supplied with a galvanised steel fixing plate.
- The target is an eyebolt expansion anchor.