The FL23 Algal CO2 Analysis Package is designed for measurements of CO2 exchange from algae in a head space of a plexiglass cuvette (80ml total volume) designed by Qubit Systems. The CO2 gas released into the head space of the cuvette is dried and carried to the Q-S151 CO2 analyzer for measurements of CO2 levels (0-2000ppm) in a flow through system.
Gas enters the cuvette via the inlet port and an air stone which is below the liquid level. This causes bubbling through the sample, and generates mixing action. The CO2 from the algal suspension is released into the head space above the liquid and exits the chamber via the gas outlet. Gas coming out of the chamber travels through a PTFE filter and Nafion RH equilibrator before entering the drying column and the Q-S151 CO2 Analyzer. If any liquid does accidentely leaves the algal chamber the PTFE filter will stop it from entering the Q-S151 CO2 analyzer and Nafion RH equilibrator will reduce the water vapour of the gas to ambient levels.
The illumination of the algal culture is provided by the A113 LED light Source calibrated in software for PAR output in umol photon/m2/s.
Additional Options:
Chlorophyll Fluorescence measurements can be obtained using the Cuvette AquaPen (Z985) where the suspension of the algal culture is transferred into a cuvette for the measurements.
- Modular System for measurements of of CO2 released from liquid culture
- Includes all required components plus software and data interface
- Algal photosynthesis studies
- Bacterial respiration research
- Fermentation studies
- Q-S151CO2 Analyzer (0 – 2000 ppm) (includes CO2 and H20 scrubbers)
- Q-P103 Gas Pump 1L/min (no load)
- A113 LED light Source calibrated in software
- G122 Large Gas Bags (2x30L)
- G266 Flow Monitor
- G211 Algal Gas Exchange Chamber (80ml)
- C610 LabQuest Mini Data Acquisition Interface
- C901 LoggerPro Data Acquisition Software
- Accessory kit (tubing, connectors, PTFE filters, Nafion RH equilibrator, wrench, screwdriver)
- Orland C. et al. (2019) Microbiome functioning depends on individual and interactive effects of the environment and community structure. The ISME Journal 13:1–11
- Dutra E et al. (2016), Tropical crustose coralline algal individual and community responses to elevated pCO2 under high and low irradiance. ICES Journal of Marine Science 73(3), 803–813. doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsv213
- Peach KE, Koch MS, Blackwelder PL (2016) Effects of elevated pCO2 and irradiance on growth, photosynthesis and calcification in Halimeda discoidea. Mar Ecol Prog Ser 544:143-158.
- Oakley CA, Hopkinson BM, Schmidt GW (2012) A modular system for the measurements of CO2 and O2 gas flux and photosynthetic electron transport in microalgae. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 10:968-977 DOI 10.4319/lom.2012.10.968