The Q-Box CO650 Plant CO2 Analysis Package has been designed for measurements of photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration in leaves when placed in a temperature controlled flow-through leaf chamber. You can use Plant CO2 Analysis Package in both the lab or field (with optional battery pack). When you combine Q-Box CO650 with 4 channel Gas Switching Sytem, you can monitor photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration on up to 3 leaves (channel 1 is a reference). The Q-Box CO650 software automatically checks the reference levels of CO2 and water vapor and provides on-the-go calculations of photosynthesis and transpiration rates.
- Modular Gas Exchange Measuring System
- Temperature controlled flow-through leaf chamber
- Components interchangeable with other Q-Box Packages
- Automated calculations of carbon and water exchange rates
- Housed in rugged box for easy transport and set up
- Use in a lab or Field (with optional battery pack)
- Photosynthetic CO2 Exchange Rate measurements
- Transpiration Rate measurements
- Water Use Efficiency studies
- Dark Respiration Rate measurements
- Leaf, Root and Whole Plant Studies (with optional chambers)
- Soil Respiration or animal respiration with additional components
- Q-A101 laboratory stand (free standing and/or integrated into Q-Box)
- A113 LED Light Source Calibrated in Software
- Q-G267 Flow Monitor, Gas Pump x 2 (1L/min no load)
- G1120 Temperature controlled Flow Through Leaf Chamber
- G122 Large Gas Bags (2)
- Q-S151 CO2 Analyzer (0-2000ppm) (Includes CO2 and H2O scrubbers)
- Q-S161 RH/temperature sensor
- S1730 Leaf Thermister
- C200 Digital Control Unit (DCU)
- A381 Two Solenoid Assembly for switching between reference and sample gas
- S181 Absolute Pressure Sensor
- C610 Three integrated LabQuest Mini data interfaces (9 Analog Channels)
- C901 Logger Pro Software
- C404 Customized Experimental Setup Files for collection, display and analysis of data
- Q-Box Accessory Kit (tubing, filters, connectors)
- Rugged Water-proof case housing the sensors and analyzers
- Manual
- individual power supplies for stand alone use of the sensors and analyzers
- Li-ion 4 Battery pack (optional)