15.02.SA Water Well Drilling Set, Square 30 mm Connection
- Eijkelkamp 15.02.SA Water Well Drilling Set, Square 30 mm Connection used for the construction of hand-drilled wells in soils without very hard layers and with sufficient aquifer recharge, permitting small diameter well.
- A maximum depth of approximately 20 m can be reached.
The maximum space for the filter is 108 mm diameter. - Where the soil becomes less cohesive, the casing tubes are used to prevent collapsing of the auger hole. When reaching sand below groundwater level the percussion drills
are used. When a layer of clay is reached again, bailing is stopped and drilling is continued inside the casing. If necessary, a tripod with winch may be used. - The standard set (with square 30 mm connection) is equipped with a tool guide, crosspiece and kelly, handles, various extension rods, rod catchers with cleaning point, Riverside augers, an elongation piece for Riverside and bucket auger, chisel auger, stony soil augers, stone catcher and pointed chisel, percussion drill, synthetic casing tubes with steel screw thread sockets, casing retriever, a notched casing shoe, casing head, casing clamps, a sounding device with tape to measure the groundwater level, a shovel and pick-axe, various accessories and steel transport boxes.