RISONIC modular, a modular measurement system for specific hydroengineering applications, was developed for ultrasonic flow measurements in filled and partially filled pipes and open channels. Whether for penstock monitoring, turbine and pump efficiency measurements or flow measurements in irrigation systems or water supplies, the system’s modular design provides a broad spectrum of applications and measurement setups with up to 20 measuring paths.
In addition, RISONIC modular can be remotely serviced with a variety of diagnostic functions to localize malfunctions quickly and thus reduce down-times. With its user-friendly and intuitive workflow, RISONIC modular requires minimal training.
- Precise flow measurements (in pumped storage power stations in both directions)
- Maintenance-free and very durable
- Remote access and monitoring with a variety of diagnostic functions
- Easy to integrate into process control systems with Modbus TCP+RTU and IEC 60870-5-104
- Various setups possible, e.g. with total flow calculations in all measuring segments
- Suitable even for complex hydraulic applications and in harsh environments
- Compliant with IEC 60041 and ASME PTC 18