![Tramex Flooring Hygro-I Master Kit](/sites/default/files/2020-07/pro_2153_1161_181004030616-B.jpg)
Flooring Hygro-I Master Kit
- Tramex Flooring Hygro-I Master Kit complete package for moisture testing of Concrete and Wood Flooring.
- CME4 gives instant non-destructive readings in concrete up to 6 % moisture content.
- Relative scale of 0-100 for other building materials including drywall, laminate, residential asphalt shingles and masonry products.
- Use per ASTM F2659.
- MRH III non-destructive moisture meter with built in wood specific gravity species correction.
- Reads 1 ¼” deep in wood.
- Backlit display for easy viewing in low light conditions.
- Plug in hand & hammer wood probes for invasive testing.
- Hygro-i NEW reusable NIST traceable relative humidity probe