The Q-Box RP1LP Low Range Respiration Package is designed to measure the metabolic rate of small animals such as insects, reptiles, amphibians, other invertebrates and small mammals in an open-flow or stop-flow gas exchange system. The Q-Box RP1LP Low range Respiration Package can even be used for measurements of CO2 and O2 exchange in colonies of fungi and microorganisms. When combined with Qubit Gas Switching System measurements of respiration rates and RQ are possible on up to 7 organisms (8 channel system including reference).
Open flow measurements of respiration are used for larger, or more active animals, whereas for measurements of very small changes in pO2 such as during respiration of small insects the system may be used in a stop flow configuration. In the latter the flow is stopped for a period of time to allow accumulation of CO2 and decline in O2. With subsequent opening of the flow the gas is swept through the sensors for measurements. The opening and stoppage of the flow through the chamber with the animal is achieved automatically through user specified periods of time in the software.
Other potential applications for this package include measurements of metabolism from the gas head space above aquatic suspensions. For example, measurement of yeast fermentation. The Q-Box RP1LP can be used to measure O2 consumption rate and CO2 production rate of virtually any biological system in which these changes in pCO2 and pO2 are in the ranges measured by the analyzers.
The Q-Box RP1LP Low Range Respiration Package, can easily be adapted to work as Q-Box CO650 Plant CO2 Analysis Package for measurements of photosynthesis, and respiration in leaves by purchasing a G112 Flow Through Leaf Chamber, Q-A101 Lab Stand, and the A113 LED Light Source. For measurements of respiration in larger or more active animals see the Q-Box RP2LP High Range Respiration Package.
- Modular Gas Exchange Measuring System
- Includes CO2 and O2 analyzers
- Components interchangeable with other Q-Box Packages
- Automated calculations of VCO2 and VO2
- Both Open and Stop Flow measurements
- Housed in rugged box for easy transport and set up
- Use in a lab or field (with optional battery pack)
- Insect Respirometry
- Small Animal Respirometry
- Fermentation Measurements (Headspace)
- Aquatic respiration (Headspace)
- Atmospheric Monitoring
- Soil Sample Respiration
- Microbe Respiration
- Q-P103 Gas Pump (1L/min no load) in standard package
- Q-P651 Gas Pump (3L/min no load) when used with GSS
- G117 Variable volume Flow-through Chamber (1.9cm ID and max length 4 or 10cm)
- G115 Flow-through Chamber (3.8cm ID and 20cm long)
- Optional Custom chambers available
- G122 Large Gas Bags (2 x 30L)
- Q-G266 Flow Monitor (1L/min)
- Q-S102 O2 Analyzer (0-100%)
- S132 Stainless Steel Temperature Probe
- Q-S151 CO2 Analyzer (0-2000ppm) (Includes CO2 and H2O scrubbers)
- C200 Digital Control Unit (DCU)
- A380 Two-Solenoid Assembly (redirects the gas flow from ref. to anal.)
- C610 two integrated LabQuest Mini data interfaces (5 analog, 4 digital ports)
- C901 Logger Pro Software
- C404 Customized Experimental Setup Files for Open flow and Stop flow measurements
- Q-Box Accessory Kit (tubing, connectors, filters)
- Rugged weather-proof case housing all analyzers and sensors
- Manual
- individual power supplies for stand alone use of the analyzers and sensor
Optional Component:
- A249 Li-ion 3 Battery Pack (for use in the field)
- Gas Switching System (for 4 or 8 channels)
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